Rotoshovel is a revolution, one no one say coming until now. For thousands of years, everyone was reliant on the shovel. There was nothing else that can replace the shovel than the shovel. This has already changed with the patented Rotoshovel those does the work of your old shovel faster, neater and with lesser energy expended. Rotoshovel offers a level of convenience and versatility that is absent in every other alternative available. This is due to the portability, durability and zero energy needed to make it work. There’s no need to subject yourself to pain and agony any longer, Rotoshovel is battery operated with full automation to the functioning.
The period of applying manual labor into scooping soil is long gone. However, the traditional shovel continued to hold a special place in our hearts. This is what Rotoshovel is going to change with time. It’s all about your garden and most importantly, you back. No more backache from constant shoveling, you can have the perfect garden without any hard labor.
Whether you love flowers, vegetables or other plants, Rotoshovel will bring out the best out of your garden. Being a lightweight, portable and battery-powered, it will one day become the most loved farm equipment.
It’s All About Time and Energy Management
With Rotoshovel, you can achieve more with less. Rather than expend excess energy on a few flowers and plant, you can cover more ground using Rotoshovel. Time is essential and it’s what most garden owners do not have. Using Rotoshovel, you can pay attention to your garden without resorting to a physiotherapist due to the back ache later.
Rotoshovel works both on a small and large-scale level. You can rely on the battery for jobs. Moving around is quite an ease also due to the compact size of the Rotoshovel.
You don’t have a power outlet in your garden?
No worries, you won’t need it. Rotoshovel is packed with a strong but rechargeable 12v Lithium battery, enough to help you do more in a faster time range.
What Else?
Rotoshovel is a simple tool with an easy learning curve. You won’t need a special tutorial to operate the tool. Rotoshovel can do the work of 5 normal shovels in a lesser time period. If you are running a farm, this will translate to lower labor cost as you save both time and men.
There are safety features that will prevent the occurrence of any accident while using the Rotoshovel. There’s no way you will be caught unaware by the Rotoshovel as you are always in control.

I am Javier and my love is writing about home improvement. I write mostly about home ideas, but also share some tips and tricks that can make your life easier when it comes to getting things done in the house.