In this high-tech, advanced world, we can our smartphones for a number of tasks like ordering pizza, writing down important info, shopping and even switching lights ON or OFF. Bearing this in mind, we’ve shortlisted some of the best apps that will certainly help you improve your home life. Let’s take a look a closer look at them below:
It’s no wrong saying that HomeZada is a comprehensive home manage app aimed at helping home owners manage their homes smoothly. All you need is to create your HomeZada account to get things started. It’s available for both iOS and Android users. With this amazing app, users can inventory their home possessions, and save important warranty info. They can also record dimensions and photos of rooms for repairs or renovations, store emergency contacts, and devise a maintenance plan, and more.
If you’re not good at remembering bill dates, BillMinder is an ideal choice for you. With this amazing app, you can easily manage your monthly expenses and pay bills on their time. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? It tracks everything from credit card bills to mortgages to insurance payments and utility reminders. You can set reminders, see your bills status and pay them using the app, and sync your data with all your connected devices.
Tired of your home interior? Looking to carry out a home renovation project? Houzz can go a long way toward helping you deck your interior in a different, unique way. Here’s what the app says about itself.

I am Javier and my love is writing about home improvement. I write mostly about home ideas, but also share some tips and tricks that can make your life easier when it comes to getting things done in the house.